superlative exercise

翻译下面的句子;用“来说,什么什么xx不过了。” As far as somebody is concerned, nothing is more …. than ….”.


  1. 对哑巴来说,能娶暖做媳妇(xí fù, wife)最好不过了
  2. 对暖来说,嫁给哑巴再容易不过了
  3. 对井河来说,能帮助丫丫去城里念书最合适不过了
  4. 对在中国没有钱上学的孩子来说,能进城打工再好不过了
  5. 对丫丫来说,上学最重要不过了
  6. 对李哲来说,能住在姐姐家再省钱不过了
  7. 对张天明来说,少花爸爸妈妈给他的钱最好不过了
  8. 对林雪梅来说,上海的菜最好吃不过了
  9. 对很多农民工来说,孩子能去城市学习工作再好不过了
  10. 对很多中国的家长来说,孩子以后成龙成凤最重要不过了


  1. As far as the teacher is concerned, nothing is more important than students becoming the talents (人材) society needs.
  2. As far as Nuan is concerned, nothing is better than being together with Yaya and the mute.
  3. For the mute, nothing is truer (真实) than his love for Nuan.
  4. For Jinghe who has not been back for ten years, nothing is more difficult than being with Nuan again.
  5. To Trump (川普), nothing is more important than kicking out (踢出去) the illegal immigrants in the U.S.
  6. To many new immigrants from China, nothing is better than being able to speak English.
  7. To people in Hong Kong, nothing is more appropriate than being able to continue (继续) their way of life before 1996.
  8. As for me, nothing is more important than finding a job to lesson the financial burden of my parents.
  9. As for my parents, nothing is better than me going to graduate school.
  10. For minority nationalities in China, nothing is more difficult than speaking well authentic Chinese.

看 does not just mean see or look; it is also an extended form of saying “think” or “feel”; as is in the following

  1. 你看我们今天晚上六点吃饭行不行?
  2. 我看你们这么做不合适。
  3. 你看,明天她不是就回来了吗!
  4. 我看你最好别跟他结婚。
  5. 今天晚上我们太忙了;你看我们后天交作业可以吗?
  6. 你也得考虑考虑别人看了会怎么说。
  7. 我才不在乎别的人会怎么看呢。
  8. 别小看了她;她知道的东西不比你少。